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Sandra at the other Vancouver
6 novembre 2008

Day 65 - Lazy News

I know. I owe you photos and news about my birthday, halloween, some parties downtown Portland. But I feel sooooo lazy.

So,promise, the photos of Halloween are coming. Once, soon, maybe :) I was as a gothic nurse (Abby from NCIS was my model), and my work team was all kind of doctors , nurses and butchers that were trying to bring deads to life. (Actually the death guy was called as a dead project, my first working joke waouh... was really weird^^) Other people at work had just so amazing costums, and they also tried to decorate their work space, which worked very well, as you'll see in the photos.

My birthday was also a quite nice evening, we just went to a mexicam restaurant in Vancouver and ate chesadillas, burritos and faritas. I think this is my favourite thing about here: the restaurants! Which leads me to today's news:

We had free lunch at noon because there was a presentation from a doctor at work. So we listened to a presentation about nutrition and health while eating our SubWay sandwich, kind of ironic XD At the end it happened that the doctor was trying to do some advertising for its clinic, but anyway, I had my lunch for free, which is the only think that really matters ;)

What else? Had a really bad day today and yesterday, trying to make things work without achieving it, but it's alright because tonight there's free pizza!!!

... You have the feeling I'm only speaking about food? It's not just a feeling ^^

dis-donc ma fille, je veux bien venir consulter ton blog, mais je commence à la connaître par coeur, depuis le temps où tu t'es arrêté d'écrire.
Salut !!<br /> Ça fait plaisir d'avoir des nouvelles :)<br /> <br /> Ton modèle pour Halloween était bien choisi. Je me demande si ça existe réellement des "travailleuses" ayant ce style 24/24 (les chômeuses et les étudiantes ont moins de contraintes vestimentaires...)<br /> <br /> Nourriture gratuite + paresse = danger !!<br /> Quand tu seras de retour à Noël, j'espère que tes parents pourront encore te reconnaître ;)<br /> <br /> En plus, tu m'as donné faim avec ton message et je n'ai pas l'occasion de venir tester :(<br /> <br /> A plus
Sandra at the other Vancouver